The Top 10 Best Things About Chuck's New Scar
My friend Dave Sullivan opined as follows after I had a bypass operatilon, resulting in a long scar down the middle of my chest...
10. Think of it as a sporty new racing stripe.
9. Never have to wear a necktie.
8. Vertical stripes make you look thinner.
7. Perfect excuse to get that huge Harmony Gritz chest tattoo you've always wanted.
6. In heated political debates, can now point to scar and say, "I'm completely divided on the issue."
5. You now qualify to be in those Nike ads.
4. In "shirts and skins" basketball game, can be distracting to opposing "shirts" team.
3. Helps direct beer dribbles into handy "belt-cup."
2. Can go on the road with new "downhill flea racing" show.
1. It's a babe magnet!
This was typical of Dave who has a great sense of humor. He probably got the idea from the David Letterman show. One of your better articles. Thanks